Winter Sonata

Let those flakes fall and rest on your tresses,
or let them fall to a bottomless life.
Let them fly for altered directions
or let them breathe in your ear for a while.

Let them fall on the tip of your tongue, 
and carry the taste to your heart,
Savour the depth of winter.
Dulcet.So you cannot depart.

Let them melt on your eyelids while they flutter,
Let them rest on your face for a while.
Let them caress you until you shudder,
and melt into a winter's night

But the best of a winter's night?
Is not what you see but what you hear.
Shhh...Let them hum in your ear until your hear
the murmuring whisper of a tear.
the winter sonata of love.

Malsha Walgamage©
 5 November 2010


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